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Block puzzle game

Block puzzle game

Tetris was one of the first and favorite computer games in the post-Soviet space. A simple puzzle with uncomplicated geometric shapes did not shine with originality, but in the eighties it made a splash.

History of the game

The name "Tetris" comes from the words "Tetrimino" (geometric shapes consisting of four squares) and "tennis". In 1984, the game was invented by the Soviet computer scientist Aleksey Pazhitnov. The first version was written in Pascal. The following year, the author, together with Dmitry Pavlovsky, adapted the game for the computer "Electronics-60", soon 16-year-old Vadim Gerasimov rewrote Tetris for the IBM PC.

After a couple of years, the whole world knew the puzzle. The first commercial version was released by Spectrum HoloByte (USA). It is impossible to calculate the total number of Tetris variants, the game was installed on a variety of devices, from calculators and players to mobile phones and personal computers. The puzzle was and remains one of the best computer games in history, with ten other Tetris held in the Library of Congress in the United States of America.

Interesting Facts

  • Many companies sought to obtain distribution rights for the game. In 1988, the Japanese Nintendo signed an agreement, 35 million copies of Tetris were shipped with the Game Boy handheld console. Since then, the circulation has increased to 500 million.
  • The hallucinogenic properties of Tetris were reported in 2014 by an international journal on human-computer interaction. According to research, after a long game, figures continue to fall in front of a person's closed eyes.
  • If you have played Tetris with sound, you can hardly forget a melody similar to Korobeynikov. Thanks to the computer game, the folk song became a viral hit.
  • Tetris is an exhibit at the Museum of Modern Art in New York (Museum of Modern Art, MoMA). The organizers considered this video game an outstanding example of interactive design.
  • Nintendo Game Boy with Tetris went into space. In 1993, cosmonaut Alexander Serebrov was having fun at the Mir station.

Did you play Tetris in the nineties? Then it will be interesting to compare the impressions. Those, who have never played the cult puzzle, urgently need to join the classics of computer games.

How to play Tetris

How to play Tetris

Tetris does not need advertising, there is hardly a user who is not familiar with the cult game. According to the researchers, the simplicity and fun of Tetris helps to heal post-traumatic stress disorder and get rid of many addictions. This effect is noted due to the complete absorption of attention.

Rules of the game

Each of the seven geometric shapes of Tetris consists of four segments. Different configurations fall on the field, with a standard height of 20 and a width of 10 cells. Until the figure has lowered, it can be turned 90 degrees in any direction and moved left and right. These manipulations allow you to find a place of "landing" in which the figure fits as tightly as possible.

The goal of the game is to form horizontal rows of 10 filled cells. The full line disappears and points are awarded for it. Gradually, the falling of the figures accelerates, it is more and more difficult for the player to find the right place for them and remove the row. When the field is filled to the top with figures, the game ends. The game time depends on the reaction and attentiveness of the player, and as a consolation, he gets final points.

Game tips

The reason for the end of the game in most cases is a fast pace. The player does not have time to move and turn over the figures, and they form "blockages". However, it has already been proven that even with perfect coordination and instant reaction, failure is inevitable. S- and Z-shaped figures always leave gaps in the rows. If a batch of these forms follows, it becomes impossible to fill in the voids.

It is impossible to win in Tetris, but you can set a record for points and surpass your own results. The best victory is victory over yourself!